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    Sync FreeStyle Libre


    To be able to include your FreeStyle Libre values in a continuous chart in SocialDiabetes,
    follow these steps:

    ● Update SocialDiabetes to the latest version available.
    ● Make sure that you have LibreLink installed and that you have registered correctly
    with a LibreView account. Remember your username and password (VERY

    ● Open SocialDiabetes.

    ● Open Settings > Connect your device > FreeStyle Libre > (CONNECT)

    ● Insert your LibreView (LibreLink) platform access details from step 2.

    ● Check that you have good coverage and data connection on your phone.

    ● Press on the red button at the bottom: [Yes, Allow].

    ● Wait a few seconds (sometimes it can take a few minutes), until the following
    message appears:

    From now on, your blood glucose data obtained with LibreLink will appear in
    SocialDiabetes. Abbott will be in charge of providing the data to SocialDiabetes so it can
    show charts and be filled in by the user if desired.

    You can access it through HOME > FreeStyle Libre chart > "More" button.

    If you have any questions, get in touch with soporte@socialdiabetes.com directly for further assistance.

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